Mental Health & Psychosocial Support
The primary purposes of the Mental Health Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Working Group are to enable sustainable coordination and information sharing between MHPSS actors in Myanmar, harmonize group understanding of principles for MHPSS intervention, facilitate referrals, and in emergency situations disseminate the IASC Guidelines for MHPSS in Emergency Settings.
MHPSS Working Group (MHPSS WG) is open to UN agencies, INGOs, Local NGOs, academic, and interested groups or individuals active in the Psychosocial and Mental Health domains in Myanmar. This includes but not limited to the Myanmar Psychological Association (MPA), Myanmar Mental Health Society (MMHS), Mental Health and Substance Use Unit, Psychology Department of the Yangon University, and the Psychiatric and Mental Health Hospitals and Care Centers, as well as stakeholders and service providers working on (or planning to work on) Mental Health and Psychosocial issues. Organizations or individuals that do not have primary mental health or psychosocial focus, but are engaged in cross-sector work with mental health or psychosocial components (e.g., protection, education, GBV services, etc.) are encouraged to attend and contribute. A Technical Working Group will also meet to discuss matters related to group formation, maintenance, and leadership, in addition to the ways and means that the group can assist in providing information, MHPSS Tools and Interventions, Professional Supervision and Training to both professionals and the wider community. All stakeholders are welcome to attend and contribute to the Technical Working Group. An additional priority of the group is to emphasize collaboration between National and International stakeholders and encourage equal engagement and leadership of the group.

The priority of the group is to emphasize collaboration between National and International stakeholders and encourage equal engagement and leadership of the group.
The Group can assist in providing information, MHPSS Tools and Interventions, Professional Supervision & Training to both professionals and the wider community.
Monthly Coordination Meeting every Monday in the last week of each month as a platform for the group members sharing information and standardize services delivery.
MHPSS is used to describe any type of local or outside support that aims to protect or promote psychosocial well-being and/or prevent or treat mental disorders.